Closer to Getting OneCard

By OneCard   |   March 20, 2020

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Wow, what an exciting two months this has been for sure!

When we launched the OneCard waitlist in early February, we couldn’t have imagined the tremendous interest and curiosity that it would generate. Close to 76,000 members joined the waitlist, and the overwhelming demand led us to extend the waitlist closure date to March 10, 2020.

Congratulations to all waitlist members who unlocked their Metal OneCard by getting all 4 items, as well as to those members who managed to crack the Top 12,000!

By now, we believe all waitlist members would have already received an email from us with their waitlist status and next steps, which mentioned details about the OneCard Beta Programme along with an estimated timeline for getting the metal Onecard. We expect to begin shipping the first batch of metal OneCards from mid-April onwards.

In case you have not received any email from us, please let us know at so we can re-send it to you.

Some of the OneCard features are already known and here’s a quick recap. We will share more details about features and benefits once we move out of Beta.

OneCard Features

For those waitlist members who could not make the Top 12,000 - thanks for your participation. We’ve got your back, so please do not lost hope. We plan to open the waitlist again soon, and this would give you yet another opportunity to claim your metal OneCard. We will also be adding more cities in that phase, and we hope even more members would become eligible to get OneCard.

Here’s looking at Waitlist 2.0!


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