Recruitment Fraud Alert - FPL Technologies Pvt. Ltd.

It has come to our notice that fake job offers are being circulated in the name of FPL Technologies Pvt. Ltd. by certain individuals. These individuals are also unauthorisedly using the name and trademark of FPL and OneCard.

FPL Technologies does not:

i) send job offers from free email services like Gmail, Rediffmail, Yahoo mail, Hotmail, etc;
ii) request payment of any kind from prospective candidates for employment or any sort of fees; and
iii) request for an interview or will make any job offers on or through any instant messaging applications

FPL Technologies currently has only one office situated at FPLHQ, Westbay, Pallod Farms II, Baner, Pune, Maharashtra 411045 (“FPL Technologies”) and does not make any job offer for any other locations in India.

FPL Technologies Hiring Process

i) FPL Technologies team only corresponds from email id for any job opportunity at FPL Technologies or any other email id from the domain
ii) All offers of FPL Technologies will only be made from an email id on the domain, or will be made in person at FPL Technologies Office
iii) The hiring process involves at least one in-person interview at FPL Technologies Office premises


FPL will not be responsible to anyone acting on employment offers not made by FPL Technologies as per the hiring process set out above. FPL Technologies will not have any obligation to honour terms of any fake offer letter so issued, or provide employment to anyone who has been issued a fraudulent offer letter. Further, FPL is not responsible for any losses (monetary or otherwise) including but not limited to loss of data that are incurred as a consequence of fake job offers.

If you are in doubt or unsure about the source of job offer or if you have received any unauthorised, suspicious or fraudulent offers or interview call, please write to us at

If you believe you have been a victim of a recruitment fraud, you are requested to approach the law enforcement agencies immediately.